Works created by Phoebe Tims, Talullah Farrar, Alex Simmons, Grace Wilson, Eva Ngamanu and Charlotte Wallis
Photographs of event taken by Ben Dickens
1. an agency or means of doing something. adjective
2. about halfway between two extremes of size or another quality; average.
An exhibition in conversation with the inherent multiplicity, tensions and the ‘unseen’ of the textile discipline. Commonly misunderstood and often ambiguous, MEDIUM examInes textile roles, processes, outputs at the intersection of art and design.
Viewers are invited into an open exploration of MEDIUM.
Medium was designed to offer the viewer a unique opportunity to explore the multitude of mediums that come from one discipline - textile design. This project was a collaborative effort between 6 textile design students - with each of us creating a work to display using a textile technique.
I personally focused on digital embroidery to create a layered image that hung freely in the centre of the space. Using Edouard Bisson’s , The Swing as reference to capture textiles through painting - and translating it back to a textile. This refocuses the viewer not on the content but on the practice.